Tuesday, July 10, 2012

 Things have been getting a bit testy around the bird feeders. These two squared off and you can bet with that long bill the woodpecker was going to win!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Double Parked

I was trying to get a good shot of a White Wing Dove when this one landed on top of this post. I guess the other bird thought it was HIS spot!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Remember to keep at least one hummingbird feeder up all year to help the resident birds. I was looking through photo notes and found some of my best opportunities were though the summer months. This shot was taken this week.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I found this Black Crowned Heron nesting with a group of cattle egrets on an island in the Sheldon Reservoir. They are just getting started so I plan to visit frequently over the next month or so and see if I can get some baby birds!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sunrise and sunset are some of my favorite times to be on the beach. The lighting can  produce some great images. I managed to get the shadow on this one.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

This is a great time of year along the gulf coast. The weather has been outstanding! Get your camera and head out and enjoy. Summer will be here before you know it!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Duck Hunting

I was out hunting with the Nikon this week and shot a few....
American Wigeon


                                                             Coming in for a landing
                                                              Northern Shoveler
                                                           Northern Shoveler Pair
                                                                      Ring-Necked Duck

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Coopers Hawk

I was in my home office this week and saw a flash along the ground and all the birds scatter! This Juvenile Coopers Hawk was out looking for an easy breakfast. He sat in the tree right outside my office just long enough for me to get a shot through the  window.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Barred Owl

We recently put up some owl houses and here is our target market! This old guy looks like he could use a nice resting spot other than the ROAD!
We need to get him from here...

To here.........
Thanks Anna for the photo!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

New Week..New Bird

I hope you enjoy this weeks shots!

 I am trying to keep a photo log of all the different species that visit my feeders this winter. I saw this Eastern Bluebird for several days before I was able to get a good shot of him!
This Carolina Chickadee seems right at home in the Wren House. All the feeders and houses can be seen at www.eastforkbird.com

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bird of the Week: Hermit Thrush

 Lake Houston Park is a favorite spot of mine. This gem is almost 5000 acres of wilderness park that has miles of hike and bike trails. This Hermit Thrush photo was down at the cypress lake

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Owl House Install

Its good to have friends when you  need to get a job done!
Friends with tools...and tractors!

And Friends with very long ladders!!

Here we are installing the first of two owl houses. I think this one is in a good spot...an owl flew up and landed right in a tree 30 yards from us to watch us work!!!

Here we are starting at spot number two.

Up the ladder once more

Looks like a great new home!

My friends looking  at their handiwork!

Ready for visitors!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Morning Rush Hour

 The new "Rush Hour" around our place involves birds! Here are a few of the culprits Red Shouldered Hawk
 Brown Creeper
Fat Squirrel!
Yellowed Bellied Sap Sucker
This is the pair of Red Shouldered Hawks that are resident around my house. They will regularly come when I put out scraps of meat.